[Tutorial] A Small Digital Electronic Project

Small projects of digital electronics are an affordable option for students, teachers and parents as they do not require expensive laboratory and fully stocked. Many young people want to learn about digital electronics and build their own devices as well as work with the parts of a computer and analyze how the circuits of the digital world work, but can not do in their classrooms or at home because it is too expensive. There are several small projects that enable young people to practice the skills necessary to enter college skills, although they are more easily and used parts are readily available.
Pequeños proyectos de electrónica digital

Small projects of digital electronics provide affordable education for children.
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Cell Phone Detector
A mobile phone detector is a project that draws attention to the generation of the digital world. Most students now have mobile phones, thus making this type of project will be exciting for them. Once the project is completed, you can do a treasure hunt and a treasure hunt in which several teams must find phones in certain locations so you can track text messages devices for a prize. The project requires nine resistors, four capacitors, two inductors enamelled copper wire four semiconductor stereo connector, switch off power button and a 9 volt battery wired hook, an integrated circuit (IC ) 8 terminals, a base, a small box to protect parts, a small antenna of three inches (7.6 cm) and two terminals. This project is a good start before one of intermediate level.

Since e

Games like Monopoly, Yathzee, Dungeons and Dragons, Craps and others use dice. A small project related to Electronic Dice lets you interact with students or children so that they themselves develop (where they can press a button to get the result in an array of LED) and practice solder a wire while creating a project that can be used with your friends. Electronic draft resistance given classified requires from 4,7K 13 (ohm) and 1/4 watt to 150K and the same power, two electrolytic capacitors, reference 1N4148 diode, LED connector, an IC 555 timer A IC 74LS192 4-bit counter, a push button, a small circuit card, a switch, bases for integrated circuits and a small box to accommodate all components. The small digital address for the given project is considered medium complexity, due to the difficulty of the welding process.

Infrared receiver perfected

At present, the remote control is needed for most household item, since without it people could not relax in their chairs and also change satellite channels, DVD players control, play games and control their playback equipment music. You can also control your PC with an infrared receiver serial port. The construction of this type of project requires a slightly more advanced level, but anyway it is affordable and fairly easy to make at home. The project requires a TSOP (plotting package for small parts, in English) 38 1738 1736 KHz or 36 KHz TSOP Reception, LED connector, six resistors, two electrolytic capacitors, serial port connector, lithium-ion lithium to power the unit and a small card for the circuit. Once the project is completed, it will require a software. You can use WinLIRC, Miriam, IRAssistant or Girder Igor plus or supplement to make it work.


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