This pinch project was realized with the ATM-18 controller module.This controller module has an ATmega88 microcontroller as and is a collaboration between Elektor and CC2 (Computer Club 2) .

The Wii Nunchuk is addressed via the I2C interface. Resourceful tinkerers like Chad Phillips have the protocol and encryption algorithm found.

ATM18 :: Project :: Wii Nunchuk

Some possible application examples:

  • Data Logger. Detect acceleration values ​​over a period of time and store them in an I2C EEPROM, eg damitr a drive to record.

  • Pan-tilt camera control. A camera mounted on servo control over the Nunchuk.

  • RC model remote control. Together with an RC transmitter to RC cars, robots and airplanes could control

and so on.

What is needed:

  • WII Nunchuk € 19

  • Make a nunchuk adapter 5 $, or DIY yourself, or simply cut off the plug

  • ATM-18 module or replica, it comes with an Arduino Board

  • LCD module for display, alternatively UART connection

Optional (but highly recommended):

  • 3.3V voltage regulator

  • bi-directional level shifter 3.3V / 5V I2C lines

The Nunchuk is powered by 3.3V. Although it seems to work well with 5V, is permanently but certainly not good.

Although withstand the built-in Nunchuk Controller 5V, but not the 3-axis accelerometer, which is only for max. 3.6V designed.

To illustrate some pictures of my test setup.

The entire sample structure with ATM18 module, Wii Nunchuk, level shifter and 3.3V power supply on breadboard, STK500.

ATM18 :: Project :: Wii Nunchuk

The LCD module with Wii Nunchuk parameters.

  • JOY displays the joystick value

  • ACC shows the 3-axis Beschleunigswerte to

  • BTN displays the status of the two buttons C and Z

Cable clutter. The I2C level shifter and the 3.3V power supply on the breadboard.

Wii Nunchuk Adapter

The Wii Nunchuk adapter leads out power supply and I2C ports on pin header.

  • Inventor: http://todbot.com/blog

  • Source: FunGizmos

DIY Wii Nunchuk adapter from an old floppy adapter. You can buy a nunchuk adapter also turn out of the connector of an old ISA card.


3.3V power supply


The Wii Nunchuk level shifter circuit diagram.

Sets the 5V signals from the ATM-18 module into 3.3V level for the Wii Nunchuk. This works for a bidirectional application note from Philips.


The complete series of photos with higher resolution photos are available at Flickr

The software for the ATM-18 module and further information can be found in CC2 forum .

Via robotfreak.de
Note: If you get any problem with this, feel free to comment below :)


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