
Showing posts from January, 2016

Using the high-low side driver IR2110 - explanation and plenty of example circuits

In many situations, we need to use MOSFETs configured as high-side switches. Many a times we need to use MOSFETs configured as high-side and low-side switches. Such as in bridge circuits. In half-bridge circuits, we have 1 high-side MOSFET and 1 low-side MOSFET. In full-bridge circuits we have 2 high-side MOSFETs and 2 low-side MOSFETs. In such situations, there is a need to use high-side drive circuitry alongside low-side drive circuitry. The most common way of driving MOSFETs in such cases is to use high-low side MOSFET drivers. Undoubtedly, the most popular such driver chip is the IR2110. And in this article/tutorial, I will talk about the IR2110. You can download the IR2110 datasheet from the IR website. Here's the download link: First letā€™s take a look at the block diagram and the pin assignments and pin definitions (also called lead assignments and lead definitions): Fig. 1 - IR2110 block diagram (click on image to enlarge)...


You're already familiar with Proteus and its usage . It's really interesting to simulate your circuit before hardware implementation because it's just a matter of few clicks here and there before you can see the output. Sometimes there are too many connections in your circuit which kind of looks ugly. This article is about using BUS WIRE in Proteus which saves you some space in the design area and the circuit also looks presentable rather than a mess of connections. READ MORE

Software "Sine Wave"

Here I present my software "Sine Wave" for free use. Here are some screenshots of my software "Sine Wave": Download link for software: Prerequisite: For Vista and 7, nothing required, just install For XP, download and install the latest version of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Max number of variables: 1000 Peak max: 65536 Peak value can be increased and software modified if required. If you notice any bugs, please let me know. Use the new, improved software "Smart Sine":

Generation and implementation of sine wave table

You can download it in PDF format here:

Generation and Implementation of Sine Wave Table

For zooming:


When we talk about input to the microcontroller unit, which may or may not be user input, it's not just ON/OFF switches or Push Buttons. In fact there are different methods for collecting data either from a user or the environment. According to the requirements, you can expect a user to press some button, toggle a switch , enter a username/password e.t.c. while various types of sensing devices are used to detect changes in the environment which will be discussed in my future posts. Today I am going to briefly introduce you to Keypad interface with the 8051 microcontroller. I have noticed many students having problem with this so I have tried my best to keep it as simple as possible while you will try your best to concentrate and understand it once and for all. READ MORE

Stereo audio player using the PIC32, MCP4822, microSD card and the MDDFS library

Oscilloscope screen capture of output from the audio player Top - left channel Bottom - right channel Using the PIC32MX250F128B, I decided to make a simple audio player. I wanted to play back good quality audio from a large memory space - a microSD card. So, I made this WAV player that can play back 16-bit 44.1kHz WAV files with 12-bit stereo audio output. Of course that's not all it can play back. It is programmed for automatic period configuration so that the period is set on the fly based on the song sample rate. It can play back both 8-bit and 16-bit mono and stereo audio files and I have tested from 8kHz 8-bit mono to 44.1kHz 16-bit stereo. The player itself does not include an audio amplifier to drive speakers but can drive earphones. I've used an external stereo speaker for testing. The hardware is fairly simple! Using the Microchip Memory Disk Drive File System (MDDFS) library, and my previous work using the MCP4822 dual 12-bit DAC, integrating these components to...

Using the SG3525 PWM Controller - Explanation and Example: Circuit Diagram / Schematic of Push-Pull Converter

PWM is used in all sorts of power control and converter circuits. Some common examples include motor control, DC-DC converters, DC-AC inverters and lamp dimmers. There are numerous PWM controllers available that make the use and application of PWM quite easy. One of the most popular of such controllers is the versatile and ubiquitous SG3525 produced by multiple manufacturers ā€“ ST Microelectronics, Fairchild Semiconductors, On Semiconductors, to name a few. SG3525 is used extensively in DC-DC converters, DC-AC inverters, home UPS systems, solar inverters, power supplies, battery chargers and numerous other applications. With proper understanding, you can soon start using SG3525 yourself in such applications or any other application really that demands PWM control. Before going on to the description and application, letā€™s first take a look at the block diagram and the pin layout. Pins 1 (Inverting Input) and 2 (Non Inverting Input) are the inputs to the on-board error amplifier. If you a...

PCB for ATMEGA Inverter

Hi everyone, Here I give the PCB for my design: Top and bottom: Bottom Copper: Top Silk: The PCBs were then modified by a professional. I hope to upload those soon as well. These are the ones I designed myself. As I am not a professional at PCB designing, the boards became slightly large. Tahmid.

A Comparative Study between two 32-bit microcontrollers - the Atmel AT91SAM3X8E and the Microchip PIC32MX250F128B

As previously mentioned ( ) Iā€™m doing an independent study under the supervision of Professor Bruce Land here at Cornell University. A semester has passed and I will be continuing my independent study next semester. The independent study (that I'm doing and will be continuing) is on exploring and comparing the peripheral modules of the Microchip PIC32MX250F128B (on the Microstick II platform) and the Atmel AT91SAM3X8E (on the Arduino Due platform). This semester, I've done a good amount of introductory exploration of the two 32-bit microcontrollers. Here are the links to the datasheets of the two microcontrollers on which my independent study is based: AT91SAM3X8E: PIC32MX250F128B: The Microchip PIC32MX250F128B is a 32-bit RISC microcontroller based on the MIPS M4K core. In this independent study, I have used the...