Charging system,How does a charging system work? What causes charging system to fail? How do I check my charging system? How does an alternator charge the battery?

Automobile vehicle Charging system

         Vehicle have a particular component which charge on a battery when vehicle is start
* All vehicle have a charging systems on different way
*Which component charge a battery?
ans). Alternator have many more child parts insight like Rotor, Rectifier, Regulator
Carbon brush or brush holder, circular coil,Alternator housing, Bearing, pulley.

Working Procedure


      It is a part of alternator this part are rotate North pole to South pole and generate the Magnetic field to produce a current (I)


      Current is a two types AC (Alternative current) and DC(Direct current) Alternator generate a AC current but cars not work on AC current this reason alternator have a Rectifier to convert the current AC to DC


      Regular work only voltage controller purpose

 Carbon brush

     It's use basically contact between Rotor to regulator and continuity between each other
 Circular coil

     It's a part of alternator like coil field  Rotor rotate in under the coil field and generate the power

Alternator housing

     This all component are live this housing


      This part is a support the rotor,when rotor circulate this part are balanced once


     It's have a pulley for rotate the rotor this pulley are rotate with engine RPM (Revolution per minute) through v-belt or drive belt, know more about how does a charging system work?
     **   Mainly Alternator use in vehicle for charging the Auxiliary Battety🔋
**  When battery no charging through alternator vehicle cluster metre have a Battery light glowing.
 Alternator current generator system are goes on...

Charging system,How does a charging system work?  What causes charging system to fail?  How do I check my charging system?  How does an alternator charge the battery?
Charging system,How does a charging system work?  What causes charging system to fail?  How do I check my charging system?  How does an alternator charge the battery?


Charging system,How does a charging system work?  What causes charging system to fail?  How do I check my charging system?  How does an alternator charge the battery?
Charging system,How does a charging system work?  What causes charging system to fail?  How do I check my charging system?  How does an alternator charge the battery?

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