What is injector || What is injector in car || What is injector in angularjs





Every petrol car have a Ignitor and fuel injector are both in use,But, every diesel car only injector are used.

Because petrol car used in a air fuel ratio like stoichiometric mixture for smooth combustion this mixture are in the cylinder and spark plug spark instant for smooth combustion
Ignitor are used basically old Distributor these both are same working principle but modify and simple type because old Distributor are more complex

Ignitor working principle is low voltage convert to high voltage, Ignitor have a two coil primary and secondary primary coil have a low coil  and secondary have a more coil this reason when primary coil enter a low voltage and it's continuously flux generate and this reason while secondary coil have a more coil so it's generate a high voltage for sparking in car engine cylinder  because spark plug usually require voltage of 12,000-25,000volts or more to "🔥" properly although it can go up to 45,000 volts

4 cylinder engine have a 4 Ignitor,how many piece Ignitor need it's totally depended on how many cylinder in a car

If any Ignitor fault in car engine engine are stalled and knocking continuously and Engine malfunction on car dashboard cluster metre 


Every Diesel car have a Injector because diesel car need a compressed air and pressurised fuel, diesel car are not smooth better than petrol car

Old diesel car have a Fuel injection pump for generate pressurised fuel and going through high pressure pipeline to manual injector these time injector just a part of vehicle for fuel spraying and pressure generate are totally depend on (FIP- Fuel injection pump) these time are not fitted in to a any sensor for measure when more fuel press and when less it's totally work on adjusting method🚙

But this time vehicle Technology are totally different and this time vehicle any part problems are solved by measure a standard data means total system are checking in "data Technology" modern car fitted a ECM it is like a "human Head" this ECM are totally control the engine,Modern vehicle have a modern injector this type of injector have a code name means each injector fitted on a specific cylinder because each cylinder injector are this code registered in ECM, because ECM control the firing system
by coding method which time which injector supply the fuel and success combustion this injector have a Nozzle, sim and spring and electrical head which are connected by ECM 

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