Car Diagnosis Problem, Car Diagnosis Process,car diagnosis


Engine malfunction light glowing

Some day ago one car have a
malfunction light glowing problem
Car owner says this light sometimes glowing but Automatically off in2/3days please check the car problem
We check diagnosis toolkit problem found crank position sensor
malfunction, while the car run on a road fraction of second glowing engine malfunction light and off Automatically we check


Crankshaft position sensor resistanceCamshaft position sensor resistanceCrankshaft teeth plate conditionCrankshaft sensor conditionECM to crankshaft sensor wiring

Almost all check done,but problem stable some distance run the car and fraction of second Engine light glowing and automatically off🤔know more about(OBD) On-board_diagnostics
Few hour later we check junction connector it's ok but unnaturally this connector was a problems for crankshaft position sensor frequency related,because crankshaft position sensor determine the engine piston TDC and BDC centre and send data to ECM as per frequency type
Finally we clean the connector and run the car 30km, and problem was gone🚙

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car maintenance during lockdown


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