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Car have more type of electrical problem and all brand have a lots of manual which write about how to solve this perticular issue,there have a one solution which i share with you,like car electrical repair
Solution, more car electrical system have a common type of problem, some time Vehicle battery light glowing

  1. Alternator fuse
  1. Fuseble link 
  1. Alternator pulley
  1. Alternator regulator
  1. Alternator carbon holder/brush
  1. Alternator to cluster meter wearing

Some time engine side have a different chik.chik sound coming this reason most probably chance in Alternator pulley/bearing faulty,alternator charge battery but these noise coming in alternator bearing /pulley's may be bearing under friction 

Some time alternator pulley are rotate in both direction usually these rotate in only one direction opposite direction lock if pulley faulty then these are rotate in both directions and this why 🔋 battery  light glowing

Some time alternator fuse are blowing and battery light glowing,this time replace the specific amphere fuse and start the engine ,check the battery light 

Some time alternator carbon bush are worn out and don't touch the Rotor this reason Alternator produce charge but Alternator carbon are worn out this why Alternator charge are not goes to battery and battery light glowing,and some time battery discharged

Some time alternator to combination meter wiring cut and this reason battery light glowing this part measure to the Vernier caliper and used a proper manual because proper manual help for specific dimension,this part are constant decrease and finally when minimum length these time Alternator hlgenerate charge but this charge are not going to the battery🚙


Basically parasitic current and leakage current both are same as per use on local or technical languages,if any vehicle have a leakage current then after some time these car battery was completely drain and vehicle cannot be start that's a part we all are known about leakage current
Normally we check leakage current through Multimeter that's are sets in amphere series like high amphere 20 approx and black wire fit on common port and another red wire are fit on amphere port and next we disconnect the battery negative terminal and next red wire touch the battery negative wire and black wire are touch in battery negative pole and next closed the all door and remotely lock the car and see the multimeter reading if reading show in multimeter like 0.10 /0.12 and above then you need to check the car where are leakage current best checking point is remove the fuse and seen the multimeter reading if you understand which fuse removing time multimeter reading is 0.00 then check this system significantly,most of the time current leakage on dicky switch
I share my leakage current testing experience ,some day ago I checked a TOYOTA QUALIS car that car problem was customer says vehicle cannot be start when I stop the engine after 2/3 hours that's like a battery totally down and we push the car for start,
I checked battery, report is good ok next checked charging that's is good, next checked leakage current and I found leakage current more and when I touch the terminal to battery touching point are flashing and reading are too high and more current leakage,I checked the all fusses as per systemically but problem not found and finally checked the wearing and I seen the starter relay and glow plug relay side and I see there wearing condition are too poor and tape them when I remove the Glow plug relay coupler I see the Glow plug relay are totally burn in under the relay assembly and I remove the relay and checked the leakage current through Multimeter then reading are 0.00 finally the main problem I found it.

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