Car starting problem,Why is my car cranking but not starting,When did cars stop having crank start,What are the symptoms of a bad starter on a car,What are the parts of a car starter.

After long crank car start

Today we discussed you vehicle long crank but not start or long crank after start,these problem more common on diesel vehicle,its main reason or suspected area is fuel system

Fuel system have a more part,

  • Fuel pump(High pressure)
  • Common rail
  • Injector
  • High pressure pipe lines
  • Fuel tank
  • Fuel filter


It is a fuel filter assembly with fitted on Hand pumping device with fitted is a water sedimental sensor these sensor sense the water in a fuel if this sensor sense the water in this filter  then glowing the fuel sedimental light,if have a lots of water then may be damgged the fuel supply system like fuel pump ,common rail,injector etc

It is a more important part of diesel fuel system because diesel engine needs high pressurised fuel those are produce in these pump,these pump are two types
1)FIP(fuel injection pump)
2)CRDI(common rail diesel igniation)
These pump are totally electrically controlled ,this pump are received data from ECM and calculated how many fuel can need to pressurised means  how many volume of fuel need pressurised because vehicle all time not run a same speed.
Some time vehicle cluster meter have show fuel sedimental light,problem is most time fuel mixed with water and next is wiring cut, some day ago one vehicle come on, problem is fuel sedimental light glowing we check and found fuel filter side sedimental wiring cut by rat ,we repair and initialized them and this malfunction light is gone



Common rail are used in modern vehicle because modern vehicle needs different fuel pressure in different cylinder for smooth driving,lower emission,common rail have a two pressure control module these are receive and send data transfer to ECM   know more about 

3 major problem car can't start

1) Target common rail pressure

             2)Actual rail pressure
example, if car Target rail pressure is 25000 and Actual rail pressure is 8000 These time car are not start because if both pressure are not in same car cannot be start


Some time injector holes are blockage and vehicle knocking significantly,blockage means dust particles when enter the system,this why some time injector are chocked and learning values are different means in necessary fuel inject to the combustion chamber

So, first check the pressure in this situation through diagonosis tool and compare between
This time need to service the common rail,Fuel pump,and injector
Some situation need to replace these part
Because mention these parts some child part  are non-reusable,
These problem are generally happend on when mixed a water in diesel/ dirty part are enter the system,
So, check the fuel quality these are you used in vehicle

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