Steering wheel vibration 120 kmph speed when brake applied

steering wheel vibration at 120km/pH  when brake applied?

This problem have a more vehicle ,this problem you face basically when you travel at a highway,if you drive you feel steering wheel vibrate when your car wheel speed 100/120kmph,this type of problem face on a more people but problem not solved if your maintenance  tech don't  have a proper technical knowledge

Most of the people just wheel balanced and rotation the car wheel but problem noflt found and still face the people same problem,but most of the main reason on wheel bubbling on 120 kmph speed is
Your vehicle brake disc run out and need to polishing in proper way ,

First, you measure the brake disc thickness with the help of multimeter,
Second, you see the brake disc any heat mark have or not

Third, check the brake disc run out in proper way
Fourth if describe part are standard condition " polishing the disc "

Basically this cutting tool is H-S-S (High speed steel)this is a cutting tool material it's have a mixed type of material and it mixed with a proper quantity like

                             14:4:1 mixed

Tungsten (14)Chromium(4)Vanabdium(1)

And next check brake pad condition if it's have a heat mark then replace them if it's surface have a smooth condition then use to rough paper and clean them quickly
And finally check them if all job done then next you drive the car 120kmph speed and problem is gone,and you feel relaxable journey on anytime anywhere and any speed 🚙


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