Wiper system,diagnosis,wiper blades,wiper blade, baby wipes,wiper

Car wiper system

Car wiper system is more important at rainy days because without wiper blade driving just like a impossible in rainy day
Car wiper system have some component

  • Wiper blade
  • Wiper linkage
  • Wiper motor
  • Wiper switch
  • Wiper nozzle
  • Wiper water reservoir
  • Rainy sensor

Wiper blade is like rubber type material,it's continuously move on the car windshield

Wiper linkage it is a part of wiper blade which are connected to blade to motor like a connecting rod

iper switch it is from car dashboard side,it's have some mode 1,2,3,4 front and rear mode if have rear  wiper system

Wiper motor are main part which contributes the motion of the wiper linkage,this motor are connected through wiper fuse and wiper reservoir tank water motor
Wiper nozzle are connected through wiper tank reservoir motor through pipeline
Wiper reservoir it have a water with washer fluid which water clean the windshield
Rainy sensor it is a best part of the modern automotive system this sensor are fitted in car windshield and when if any drop of water fall in this sensor then automatically wiper system work if you wiper control switch on auto mode onwards.know more about car wiper more details


One day a man told me when my car drive condition when any type of turning angle cover my wiper system automatically work please see the problem....?
I checked totally wiper system and one test drive on some turning roadways but problem not found
 Finally I asked the customer how many day this problem you face?
Customer told me some day ago my driver change I select another one driver
I told the customer can you told me your old driver smaller than the new driver customer say yes you know the driver I say I don't know your driver just solve the problem
He asked me what,I told the customer your new driver are more tall this why when your driver turn the vehicle steering at road turning  moment then driver leg uper portion touch the wiper switch and wiper automatically turn on ,problem solved
This is a small diagnosis if you imagine in this way so if you love this comment me

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