Car charging system works||how car charging system works

Car charging system works||how car charging system works
Car charging system works||how car charging system works

Automobile vehicle Charging system

         Vehicle have a particular component which charge on a battery when vehicle is start
* All vehicle have a charging systems on different way
*Which component charge a battery?
ans). Alternator have many more child parts insight like Rotor, Rectifier, Regulator
Carbon brush or brush holder, circular coil,Alternator housing, Bearing, pulley.

Working Procedure


      It is a part of alternator this part are rotate North pole to South pole and generate the Magnetic field to produce a current (I)
Car charging system works||how car charging system works
Car charging system works||how car charging system works


      Current is a two types AC (Alternative current) and DC(Direct current) Alternator generate a AC current but cars not work on AC current this reason alternator have a Rectifier to convert the current AC to DC
Car charging system works||how car charging system works
Car charging system works||how car charging system works


      Regular work only voltage controller purpose
Car charging system works||how car charging system works
Car charging system works||how car charging system works

 Carbon brush

     It's use basically contact between Rotor to regulator and continuity between each other
Car charging system works||how car charging system works
Car charging system works||how car charging system works


     It's a part of alternator like coil field  Rotor rotate in under the coil field and generate the power

  This all component are live this housing

Car charging system works||how car charging system works
Car charging system works||how car charging system works


      This part is a support the rotor,when rotor circulate this part are balanced once


     It's have a pulley for rotate the rotor this pulley are rotate with engine RPM (Revolution per minute) through v-belt or drive belt
Car charging system works||how car charging system works
Car charging system works||how car charging system works

     **   Mainly Alternator use in vehicle for charging the Auxiliary Battety🔋
**  When battery no charging through alternator vehicle cluster metre have a Battery light glowing.
Car charging system works||how car charging system works
Car charging system works||how car charging system works

 Alternator current generator system are goes on...

Car charging system works||how car charging system works
Car charging system works||how car charging system works

Car charging system works||how car charging system works
Car charging system works||how car charging system works


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