why leaving the hand sanitizer in the car can be risky ...
SAFETY ALERT FOR CAR HAND SANITIZER A recent incident occur on another project when an employee parked and locked his vehicle,leaving a small bottle of alchohol based hand sanitizer in the door pocket.when the employee returned to the vehicle he noticed there had been a fire in the driver's door pocket, due to the alchohol based hand sanitizer self ifniation as the tempareture within the vehicle increased. Risk Of Leaving Hand Sanitizer in Parked Vehicle The fire department attend the scene and but the fire had extinguised itself, probably due to the absense of oxygen due to the closed vehicle. As we continue to take proactive steps to ensure our health and safety, we must always take the time to identify and understand where additional hazard's may be present. this means learning from other incident that occur to others in our industry.please remember to never leave hand sanitizer in any environment which can have eleveted temparetures, such as inside a vehicle.this beco