
Showing posts from December, 2019

Steering wheel vibration 120 kmph speed when brake applied

steering wheel vibration at 120km/pH  when brake applied? This problem have a more vehicle ,this problem you face basically when you travel at a highway,if you drive you feel steering wheel vibrate when your car wheel speed 100/120kmph,this type of problem face on a more people but problem not solved if your maintenance  tech don't  have a proper technical knowledge Most of the people just wheel balanced and rotation the car wheel but problem noflt found and still face the people same problem,but most of the main reason on wheel bubbling on 120 kmph speed is Your vehicle brake disc run out and need to polishing in proper way , First,  you measure the brake disc thickness with the help of multimeter, Second,   you see the brake disc any heat mark have or not Third ,  check the brake disc run out in proper way Fourth if describe part are standard condition " polishing the disc " Basically this cutting tool is H-S-S (High speed steel)this is a cutting...

What we check when car starting problem||how to solve car starting trouble

Diagonosis Today have a problem car normal start and run and when vehicle coolant tempareture high and electrical fan on this situation vehicle knocking and off how to fix this problem? We checked the vehicle totally as per manual first check vehicle air filter condition, next  all vacuume hosses which are fitted on brake booster to tappet cover,tappet cover purge control valve to MPFI (Multi point fuel injection) system and which are fitted in pcv valve side ,it's ok condition no air leakage on this pipe, next  check throttle valve condition,we see throttle valve have a more dirt perticle insode,so we first clean them,and  next  check igniation on and accelerator padel full close and full open condition throttle valve angle geometry , next  check Electric  throttle valve resistance and check pcv valve resistance it's ok condition  next  check the fuel pressure fuel pressure ok but we also check the fuel filter condition,filter condition are bad ...

Wiper system,diagnosis,wiper blades,wiper blade, baby wipes,wiper

Car wiper system Car wiper system is more important at rainy days because without wiper blade driving just like a impossible in rainy day Car wiper system have some component Wiper blade Wiper linkage Wiper motor Wiper switch Wiper nozzle Wiper water reservoir Rainy sensor W iper blade is like rubber type material,it's continuously move on the car windshield W iper linkage it is a part of wiper blade which are connected to blade to motor like a connecting rod W iper switch it is from car dashboard side,it's have some mode 1,2,3,4 front and rear mode if have rear  wiper system W iper motor are main part which contributes the motion of the wiper linkage,this motor are connected through wiper fuse and wiper reservoir tank water motor W iper nozzle are connected through wiper tank reservoir motor through pipeline W iper reservoir it have a water with washer fluid which water clean the windshield Rainy sensor  it is a best part of the modern automotive system this sensor are fi...

What are the gauges on a car?What is the use of RPM meter in car?Where is the fuel gauge sensor?How does a car gas gauge work?

Meter and gauge Today I discussed you vehicle meter and gauge system Vehicle have many meter and gauge which are generate measurement Some meter and gauge's are Tachometer Speedometer Fuel receiver gauge T achometer are used for how many speed at the time of Engine this data send to the car ECM and ECM calculated the data.tachometer is many more types one is fully 360Ā° some tachometer are 180Ā° asper design šŸš™ S peedometer are used for how many speed wheel rotate,at the time and this data send to to the car ECM ,because some system are depended on this information like ABS ,because abs calculated the cehicle wheel speed at different condition and easy to signify that šŸš™ F uel receiver gauge are used for seen the display on combination meter how much quantity of fuel have a car fuel tank,for easily determined the how much kilometre run the vehicle and easily top up the fuel on pump S ome time vehicle fuel gauge meter show on cluster meter car have a fuel but car cannot be st...

Car starting problem,Why is my car cranking but not starting,When did cars stop having crank start,What are the symptoms of a bad starter on a car,What are the parts of a car starter.

After long crank car start Today we discussed you vehicle long crank but not start or long crank after start,these problem more common on diesel vehicle,its main reason or suspected area is fuel system Fuel system have a more part, Fuel pump(High pressure) Common rail Injector High pressure pipe lines Fuel tank . Fuel filter FUEL PUMP It is a fuel filter assembly with fitted on Hand pumping device with fitted is a water sedimental sensor these sensor sense the water in a fuel if this sensor sense the water in this filter  then glowing the fuel sedimental light,if have a lots of water then may be damgged the fuel supply system like fuel pump ,common rail,injector etc It is a more important part of diesel fuel system because diesel engine needs high pressurised fuel those are produce in these pump,these pump are two types 1)FIP(fuel injection pump) 2)CRDI(common rail diesel igniation) These pump are totally electrically controlled ,this pump are received data from ECM and calculated...

car electrical repair || car electrical shop near me

CAR ELECTRICAL PROBLEM AND SOLUTION Car have more type of electrical problem and all brand have a lots of manual which write about how to solve this perticular issue,there have a one solution which i share with you,like car electrical repair CAR BATTERY LIGHT GLOWING Solution, more car electrical system have a common type of problem, some time Vehicle battery light glowing Alternator fuse Fuseble link  Alternator pulley Alternator regulator Alternator carbon holder/brush Alternator to cluster meter wearing Some time engine side have a different chik.chik sound coming this reason most probably chance in Alternator pulley/bearing faulty,alternator charge battery but these noise coming in alternator bearing /pulley's may be bearing under friction  Some time alternator pulley are rotate in both direction usually these rotate in only one direction opposite direction lock if pulley faulty then these are rotate in both directions and this why šŸ”‹ battery  light glowing Some...

Car electric repair,What is vehicle repair,What is the name of someone who repairs cars,What does a motor mechanic do,Is auto mechanic a trade,

Electrical Diagonosis Today I discussed with you some minor problem but mazor Diagnosis I will discussed you because if you have a same problem You Can easy to solve them... Problem is car electric fan motor continuously on when car is start? When we car start then car electric fan motor not operate,if I on a/c system then operate.but either a/c off this fan not operate starting in between electric fan motor voltage supply in two way one is When we a/C start on vehicle Another, when engine coolant tempareture high (thermostat valve open) If you a/c on and fan not run,check this first, remove the fan motor fuse if burn replace them second if ok remove the fan motor coupler start engine and a/c on and check with multimeter in DC 12 volt out on the coupler if volt out from them replace fan motor,because fan motor have a carbon brush these brush are low thickness for not touch in armeture/commutator. Either condition electric fan motor run . when car engine coolant temperature is...

Engine knocking || How to fix engine knocking

ENGINE KNOCKING || CAR KNOCKING Every diesel car have a injector today's all diesel car have a CRDI ( common rail direct ignition )system are fitted,it's totally controlled by a car computer or ECM ( Electronic control modul e) for smooth drive on diesel vehicle this is fitted on a common rail which are adjust the fuel pressure on four cylinder (if 4 cylunder engine)and injector are sprayed as per volume of air on pressing the accelerator  Fuel supply systems are, Fuel filter Fuel pump(high pressure) Common rail High pressure pipeline Injector Injector have a different type means injector hole is sprayed on fuel this are some model 4holes some are 6 hole is depended on compression ratio it's have a type name is  piezo -electric-type šŸš™ DIAGNOSIS Today I will discussed you some problem and solution,how to solve this type of problem easily,small diagnosis but problem is biggeršŸš™know more about   engine knocking So problem's are as a diesel engine continuously knocking...

Wheel balancing and alignment

Car wheel balancing and alignment Car balancing and alignment both are most important when you driving Car need a balancing and alignment because he run on different road conditions and different path and different situation example,slippery road/hill area/highway/stone surface anywhere so the car wheel may be damaged or unequal So car wheel need a balancing and alignment, If you don't car wheel balancing may be when you run on a road on jerky filling/vibration or jump filling If you don't car wheel alignment your car may be pulling on right or left side smoothly or highly So, this is a most important part of vehicle for easy to driving journey Anybody say what is allignment? You told them allignment is process because when you buy a car these time car have great allignment but you this car run on a different road and different condition so, this may car allignment are not a previous time's means allignment wrong so need this allignment like previous And what is a balancin...

Car Diagnosis Problem, Car Diagnosis Process,car diagnosis

DIAGNOSIS Engine malfunction light glowing Some day ago one car have a malfunction light glowing problem Car owner says this light sometimes glowing but Automatically off in2/3days please check the car problem We check diagnosis toolkit problem found crank position sensor malfunction , while the car run on a road fraction of second glowing engine malfunction light and off Automatically we check CHECKING POINT Crankshaft position sensor resistance Camshaft position sensor resistance Crankshaft teeth plate condition Crankshaft sensor condition ECM to crankshaft sensor wiring SOIVE THE PROBLEM Almost all check done,but problem stable some distance run the car and fraction of second Engine light glowing and automatically offšŸ¤”know more about (OBD) On-board_diagnostics Few hour later we check junction connector it's ok but unnaturally this connector was a problems for crankshaft position sensor frequency related,because crankshaft position sensor determine the engine piston TDC and ...


Short  circuit diagnosis Today I will discussed to you what is a short circuit,we all are know when positive and negative touch together then short circuit ing a circuit Today I work on a short circuit issue on a car šŸš™ Problem, car owner said, When I push the headlight deeper switch on highway that a time vehicle goes vibrate and off   We know may be short circuit, but where it is may tough diagnosis,we check car dashboard side because there have deeper switch and car immobolizer unit may be any problem find out,but still we not found how car vibrate and goes off when dipper switch comes on, finally we see car cowltop where are wiper system fitted there some wire bunch together,one wire is dipper switch to light and another one is car immobolizer Great experience so, I share for you ,may be help you in future that type of any problem  See auto tutorial

Starting trouble

Starting problem diagnosis Car have a different type of starting problem example Crank but difficult to start Morning time starting problem Some time starting problem Hot condition starting problem Vehicle not start Running condition start off Crank but difficult to start Battery Vehicle fuel level Vehicle hand pump (if diesel car) Self starter If ok,check immobolizer system's  Morning time starting problem Battery Glow plug (if diesel car) Self starter -child parts Some time starting problem  Battery and terminal+/-  Self starter  Fuel supply system /fuel quality Hot condition starting problem Battery  Self starter Vehicle not start Battery /leakage current check Immobolizer system's Alternator charging Running condition start off Fuel supply pump ECM Read more

Car maintainenence system.

Car checking method Car have a specific smart checking method, if you checking the car this process work is simply ,easy & fast Checking method is firstly Check the gear is neautral,if A/T check the gear lever is parking mode and then start the engine and check car dash board have a any malfunction light here and šŸš™ Next , check the interrior light & sit-belt & audio system Next, check the exterrior all light like head light,parking light,hazard light ,brake light,reverse gear light &fog lightšŸš™ Next,  check the wiper blade and water nozzle and wiper system also and check air filter condition and A/c filter condition and v-belt or drive belt condition šŸš™ Next, open the engine oil cap and brake oil  or clutch oil cap then loose the engine oil drain plug and drain the engine oil and after draining fit the drain plug and tighten the specific torque ( use torque wrench)šŸš™ Next, open the coolant reservoir cap and wiper water reservoir cap  and then top up spec...

car immobilizer reset || Car immobilizer system

Immobilizer system Modern car have a immobilizer or key less entry system is used,because immobolizer system is a car security system which provide the company, without immobolizer system car not start, continuously crank but not start If you enter the barrel unauthorized key while car not start because immobilizer ECU forward the Data from car ECM and ECM disconnect the fuel supply systemšŸš™ It's have a some component Immobilizer warning light Immobilizer ECU Immobilizer barrel switch These any parts have a problem car immobilizer system warning light continuously blinking and car not start IMMOBiLIZER WARNING LIGHT It is part for warning you, if immobolizer ECU or amplifier have a any problem like rat kut the wiring or dirty part enter these part are also malfunction came through warning light constant blinking know more about   Immobilizer full details IMMOBILIZER ECU Car all specific part have a one ECU so immobilizer have a ECU  this ECU all data send to car ECM ...

ENGINE,automobile assignment

Engine  An Engine is a device which can take up the heat energy convert to mechanical work šŸš™ Engine are 2types I.c ( internal combustion engine) E.C (External combustion engine) Internal combustion engine have a two type S.I(Spark ignition engine) C.I(compressed ignition engine) S.i used in petrol engine C.i used in diesel engine Many more component fitted after create an engine,it is a heart of car, these are produce power for the car run on a path. Engine components are Tappet cover is used engine top side it use for cover the camshaft if( over head cam shaft is used)šŸš™ Camshaft is used for specific timing open and close inlet & exhaust valve,it's have a cam lobe which rolling on engine timing beltšŸš™ Engine block are used for piston straight way run top dead centre to bottom dead centre smoothly and engine cooling when hot limit cross šŸš™ Piston are used for rotating the crankshaft, piston have a many more type,it's combustion chamber are different,it's have A 2 co...

mechanic tool set, best mechanic tools ,auto mechanic tools and equipment list, mechanic tool kits, best mechanic tool set 2019/2020 must have mechanic specialty tools, complete mechanics tool set with box, auto mechanic tools list pdf

Auto mechanic tool ||auto mechanic tools Auto mechanic tools is a most important part when work on any machine or car or vehicle.Every tools have each specifications,because every tools use in every part disassembly and assembly and each purpose ,I means every tools have a specific role for work, world have more car brand and many more types of machine this why Million of tools recuirred,with out specific tools work is more difficult or damaged onwards this part may be broken or sleepage šŸš™ Some tools are all time need for any machine,this tools are called needy tool Auto mechanic tools Auto mechanic tools are Positive screw driver Negative screw driver Cutting plus Nose plus Hammer (Metal) Hammer ( plastic) Torque wrench Adjustable wrench Double end spanner Ring spanner T-handle I- extension Rachhet Socket Pipe wrench Tyre lever/ Wheel wrench Degree wrench  And many more use of specific purpose And some are called (SST-special service tool)   Auto mechanic tools Auto mechani...